4 golden rules for Weight Loss

Regardless of how long it took to gain weight, everyone wants to lose weight quickly. More importantly, in order to continue with anything that requires a lot of effort, people need to see results soon. Here’s the good news: reducing weight doesn’t have to include starvation; in fact, starvation may have the exact opposite effect, causing the body to store fat rather than burn it. Essentially, you must give the body its due: it is a sophisticated machine capable of obtaining the appropriate body weight on its own if you simply pay attention to it. So set aside all the trendy diet books and learn how your stomach functions. We’ve compiled a list of four golden principles for quick weight loss to make your job easier.

It’s fairly straightforward.

It is, however, really difficult!

Simple because what I’ll recommend for losing weight relies on a system that has been working flawlessly in your body since the day you were born…in fact, you utilise it every day without even realising it!

It’s difficult because if you eat a lot of food, can’t stop nibbling, or binge consumes, you’ll have to trust yourself and your body! I assure you, though, that it will work!

So, what’s the big deal here?

It all comes down to listening to your body. When you’re hungry, what you’re hungry for, and when you’re satisfied, pay attention!

This may seem like common sense, but eat when you’re hungry and quit when you’re full! Isn’t that a piece of cake?

But saying “eat when you’re hungry” isn’t enough because we often eat when we’re not hungry! When we’re bored, tired, sad, stressed, happy, comfortable, or drunk, we eat! We almost never eat when we are truly hungry!

Stopping when we’re full isn’t enough because we don’t realise when we’ve reached that stage! This is due to a variety of factors, the most important of which is that we do not pay attention!

Golden rule number 1 – Eat when you are hungry

You need to have a mind-body connection so don’t eat food for the sake of it.

Remember that hunger is a progressive sensation in your stomach/sternum that lasts 15 minutes after you first notice it. It steadily increases in intensity.

It does not occur as a result of association ( seeing someone eat a burger at work or passing subway etc).

If you wait until your body tells you it’s hungry before eating, you’ll enjoy your food much more and eat only when your body tells you it’s hungry!

Eating more frequently is one of the basic concepts of rapid weight loss. This may seem contradictory, but eating six meals rather than three results in a lower overall consumption.

The reason for this is that you are never hungry and hence eat in moderation. It is not necessary for all six meals to be equal. You can consume 75 percent of your daily caloric requirement in three main meals, with the remaining three meals consisting solely of snacks.

A handful of nuts or an apple can be a complete meal in and of themselves. The goal is to eat before you get hungry, rather than after you are hungry. This may necessitate advance meal planning, but it is well worth the effort.

Ignore your clever clever mind

If you THINK you’re hungry, you generally aren’t, so watch for signals of hunger and eat when you’re confident it’s not just boredom. Waiting 30 minutes to see if you’re hungry isn’t very long, and if you’re truly hungry, you’ll definitely grab something to eat!

However, figuring out how many calories your body needs isn’t enough. After all, while four samosas (600 calories), two slices of pizza (500 calories), and two gulab jamuns (385 calories) are all within your daily calorie requirement of 1500, these bad food choices will eventually lead to other health issues such as high cholesterol and blood sugar.

To lose weight in a healthy way, make sure your diet is well-balanced, meaning it contains all of the food groups and all of the nutrients you require for optimum health. لعبة الخيل عبر الانترنت

Golden rule number 2 – Stop eating when you feel full

Sometimes we don’t understand how much we need to eat, hence we stuff our plate with a lot of food . But even if your plate is not finished, stop eating if you feel full.

It makes no difference how much food there is on the plate. Simply begin to pay attention to your body.

Our bodies have three different ways of letting us know when we’re full. The most evident is that bloated stomach sensation. The final word of caution is to take deep breaths during the meal. If you follow rule number 3, this is a pretty simple rule to follow.

If you’re still hungry after 20 minutes, eat something else. However, stick to the four rules at all times.

Golden rule number 3 – Eat what u like

Eating something for the sake of weight loss ruins food psychology Hence try to eat food that makes you happy and monitor the portions.

Also known as eating what your body is telling you to eat!

This is going to scare the hell out of you!

It contradicts everything you’ve probably read in diet books or heard from your personal trainer. However, it is critical to your success.

Your willpower is limited, and you’ll eventually give in and eat that chocolate bar or order that pizza.

It’s all down to your creativity!

You’ll visualise the best-tasting chocolate bar you’ve been denying yourself for the past two weeks, and it’ll build…and build…until you finally crack and devour it. The guilt and resentment at oneself for failing comes next, followed by a “what’s the point?”attitude which leads you back to your old habits.

Instead, let’s put our imagination to work for us!

You can’t have a horrible day of eating if you don’t limit yourself to any food or “treats.” Chocolate isn’t a good way to treat oneself because you can eat it whenever you want.

It’s the classic situation of wishing for something you can’t have! Take the power away from regulations about what you can and can’t eat, then sit back and wait for the weight of all that food-related stress to be lifted off your shoulders!

So go ahead and eat anything you want. But first, make sure you’re truly hungry!

Golden rule number 4 – Chew food properly

It takes almost 20 min  for our brain to get the signal that you are full.

So chew food properly

Not just it will help with overeating but also it will help in bettering your gut health and digestion.

This is, without a doubt, the most important rule to follow in order to succeed.

When we eat, we all watch television, drive, stroll, surf the computer, talk on the phone, text, and do other things that divert our focus away from the food.

When you deliberately eat, your brain will be connected to your body, and it will receive the message that you have eaten, preventing you from feeling hungry an hour later.

Slowly eating allows your body to register the meal. This will send a signal to your brain informing it that food is available.

It tastes better, you can remember eating it, and you really appreciate it when you pay attention to the taste and do nothing but eat it. If you don’t pay attention, you’ll be disappointed.

You’ll miss out on the feeling of accomplishment that normally leads to you attempting again an hour later!

You wouldn’t go to the movies and then spend the entire time on the phone! You’ll simply miss it and have to get another ticket!

It’s the same sensation when you eat food!


We always wanted to look good and to feel good. When we go up and become an adult, we get more conscious of how we look. We try different types of dieting methods. We follow fads and trends here and there. We compete with our friends and colleagues and even ourselves just to get the right body we want.

We see everything on TV, we hear the news about how people lose weight and we encounter these products to lose weight. Most of them do not really work. While everyone still struggles on the process of dieting, this article has already given the basic secrets to successfully lose weight dieting.

Some people may already have started but for those who are still on the verge of deciding whether to try it out, be confident that you will get better results. It is recommended that you not only eat good food but enjoy it at the same time. We also emphasize that you should learn the habit of eating delicious food as it becomes easier to lose weight.

Weight control methods can be successful if weight dieting is maintained without compromising overall health. When you get successful in a weight reduction program, you also promote permanent life-style changes. The physical and psychological benefits of maintaining the right weight can be observed when it is done the right way. It is, however, more beneficial when you personalize the weight reduction plan based on an individual’s needs and lifestyle.

When you get the right ingredients to lose weight dieting like exercise and sleep, you tend to get the weight you desire to achieve your goals. We can help you visit our website . We know that getting the right weight also prevents us from certain diseases. Not only that, we function well in our daily workload. We become successful when we do our job right.

For all of us, it is definitely important that we look good. By getting the proper nutrition and understanding how the body works, we get the optimum level of health and it gives you the glow you deserve. Sometimes, we just overlook the secrets of getting the best of us. We miss to identify how we get through with getting healthy and looking good. Therefore, being conscious about our weight and our physical appearance is not bad at all. It actually reflects on how we live our lives and how we become effective creatures. Being healthy gives you overall functionality.

WRITTEN BY Afreena Masood ( in Nutrition and Health)

Client success story

I love sharing the success stories of my clients and I am so proud of all that they’ve accomplished! I have worked with so many AMAZING women and men throughout my years as a Nutritionist  and I have witnessed such hard work, resulting in HUGE transformations. I’m very proud of each and every one of my clients and I am honored to be able to work so closely with such motivated ladies. I hope you enjoy viewing the progress of such determined individuals, just as much as I do.

One of my clients,Parvathy Rajiv , was enrolled for 4 week then extended for 12 week his age was 31 years and her weight was 87.5 kg. She challenged her body, changed her  lifestyle and achieved jaw-dropping results in a matter of weeks! Whether you struggle with your own weight loss or any other lifestyle related health conditions, his story will inspire you to lead the healthiest life possible.

High protein Vegetarian Diet | Azra Khan Fitness | Best Nutritionist in India

High Protein Vegetarian Diet for Weight Loss

Protein is an essential component of our everyday diet. They give the growth factors that our muscles, cells, and other important tissues require to stay healthy and function normally.

In India, a substantial percentage of people opt to eat a vegetarian diet. While this is a very nutritious diet, it can be deficient in key nutrients, such as vitamin B12 and proteins. Although clinical evidence suggests that persons who follow vegetarian diets have a decreased incidence of developing heart disease and related consequences, it is typical to find vegetarians with low vitamin B12 levels in clinical practise.

In this article, we shall take a look at a brief list of protein rich food for vegetarians. لعبه القمار

Protein is considered to be the building block of the human body. The body needs protein-rich food to account for the daily wear and tear of muscles, to speed up recovery, and to gain strength. Ideally, one’s pre and post-workout meals need to be rich in the nutrient due to its role in the quick recovery of the body.

Protein Requirements

Amino acids are the fundamental building elements of proteins. Throughout our lives, amino acids are required for cell growth and development. Proteins are the building blocks of not only our vital organs, but also our skin, hair, and a variety of other bodily parts. We could lose muscle strength and mass, as well as become weaker, if we take less protein. When someone is recovering from a medical disease, eating a lot of protein can help them heal faster.

Let’s have a look at some of the vegetarian protein-rich foods that are available.

How the Body Uses Protein

 When you workout or engage in vigorous activities, the extreme strain tears and damages your muscle fibres. Your body repairs and replaces damaged muscle fibres by fusing them together to generate new muscle protein strands using the protein you ingest throughout the day.

It then uses “satellite cells” to increase the number of nuclei in muscle cells, causing the cells to enlarge and makes no difference if your protein comes from a cow or a chickpea; your body perceives it as such.

Vegan Protein Sources

If you want to be able to create your own high-protein vegan meal plan, then you need to know just which ingredients your protein will be coming from.

  • Lentils – 9 grams per half cup
  • Tofu – 10 grams of protein per cup
  • Black Beans – 8 grams per half cup
  • Quinoa – 8 grams per cup
  • Amaranth – 7 grams per cup
  • Soy Milk – 8 grams per cup
  • Green Peas – 8 grams per cup
  • Peanut Butter – 8 grams per 2 tablespoons
  • Chickpeas (or hummus) – 8 grams per half cup
  • Almonds – 7 grams per cup
  • Black Eyed Peas – 8 grams per half cup
  • Edamame – 8.5 grams per half cup
  • Tempeh – 12 grams per cup
  • Hemp Seeds – 13 grams in 3 tablespoons

This is by no means an exhaustive list of vegan protein sources, but you can clearly see how easy it is to get to your maximum daily protein on a vegan diet.

Protein Rich Food For Vegetarians:

While we know that meat and eggs contain a good amount of protein, there is a common misconception that a vegetarian meal plan comes up short in this regard. That is a myth, however, as veg food can be great sources too. Although a lot of vegetarians turn to protein powder as their source of the nutrient, we have put together a list of protein-rich foods for vegetarians to help one meet their daily requirement without any meat.

1. Chickpeas (chana)

They’re high in protein and fiber, and low in calories. Snack on them boiled, toss them into salads, or puree into a yummy hummus.

Protein in channa – 7.3 gm per 1/2 cup serving

2. Kidney beans (Rajma)

Kidney beans are a chock-a-block with protein, carbohydrates, and fiber. Paired with boiled or steamed rice, Rajma-Chawal is an all-time favorite dish in the Indian household. Apart from being delicious, it’s a wholesome meal, which can be enjoyed in the form of a curry, as a topping in salads, in enchiladas, or in the form of spicy chili.

Protein in rajma – 7.5 gm per 1/2 cup serving

3. Milk


Drink milk regularly? If you do, you’re sure to do well on your protein test. Apart from being a rich source of protein, milk is rich in calcium and ensures good bone health, strong teeth, a healthy immune system, and glowing skin. Avoid full-fat versions; look for skimmed options that have been fortified with vitamin D, and make the best of the protein in milk.

Protein in milk – 8 gm per 1 cup serving

4. Cottage Cheese (Paneer)

Paneer is to India what cheese is to the rest of the world. High in casein, a slow-digesting dairy protein, paneer also offers you a good amount of calcium, keeps you fuller for longer, and helps burn more fat. Reason enough to have more? Add it to vegetable preparation, toss it into sauteed vegetables or eat as it is, and enjoy the benefits of protein in paneer.

Protein in paneer – 14 gm per 1/2 cup serving

5. Lentils (Dal)

Indians can’t do without their dals, be it arhar, urad or moong. A part of almost every meal, lentils are an easy and inexpensive way of amping up your intake of protein, fiber, and essential minerals. Serve with a side of rice or roti for a complete meal.

Protein in lentils – 9 gm per 1/2 cup serving

6. Green Peas

Not many vegetables are as rich in protein as this winter staple. You get the protein and fiber from frozen green peas too, so go ahead and stash a bag in your freezer. Make sure you pick up the bag and check how the peas have been frozen – if you can feel them, they’re good to go; if not, they have been thawed and refrozen into a big chunk. Try Matar Paneer to boost your protein intake.

Protein in matar – 7 gm per 1 cup serving

7. Mixed Seeds

Seeds add crunch and quite a bit of protein to your meals. Choose from sesame, sunflower, pumpkin, or poppy seeds – as they’re all high in protein and healthy fats. Apart from salads, you can also add them to raita, cereal, or homemade granola.

Protein in seeds – 5-7.3 gm per quarter-cup serving

10 Benefits of Protein-rich food

  1. It suppresses appetite and hunger

Protein is regarded to be the most filling macronutrient, even when consumed in small amounts. The macronutrient tends to lower ghrelin (hunger hormone) levels in the body while increasing peptide YY levels, which makes a person feel fuller.

Replace part of your carbs and fats in your diet with protein if you’re trying to lose weight. Simply add a few extra bits of meat while reducing the size of your rice serving.

2. Improves Heart Health

Higher protein intake has been shown to lower blood pressure levels. This lowers the risk of strokes and heart attacks. In a review of 40 controlled trials, it was found that a higher intake of the nutrient lowered systolic blood pressure by a reading of 1.76 mm of Hg, and diastolic blood pressure by a reading of 1.15 mm of Hg.

  1. Immune System Strengthening

Antibodies help the body defend itself against a variety of ailments. Antibodies are specialised protein types that can recognise foreign materials or antigens. Antibodies are produced by the body to neutralise antigens.

4. Increases Metabolism

Because the body uses calories to absorb and use the nutrients in food, eating food can temporarily increase metabolism. Thermic impact of food is the term for this.

Because it has a significantly larger thermic effect than fats or carbohydrates, it’s a good choice for weight loss (20-35 percent as compared to 5-15 percent )

 5. Increased Bone Stability

Contrary to popular opinion, most long-term research shows that protein can improve bone health significantly. Increasing your intake can help you maintain your bone mass while also lowering your risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

This is especially true for women, who are more susceptible to osteoporosis after menopause. The easiest approach to avoid this is to eat a lot of protein-rich foods and exercise often.

6. Strengthens and increases muscle mass

Muscles are made up of proteins, which are the building blocks of the body. It is important to consume enough of it to maintain muscle mass and encourage muscular growth while strength training.

  1. Maintaining Weight Loss

While a high-protein diet can help someone lose weight, the issue is maintaining that weight. A minor increase in protein intake has been demonstrated in studies to aid weight maintenance. According to one study, boosting your nutritional intake from 15% to 18% of your calories helped you lose 50 percent of your weight.

Increasing your protein consumption on a long-term basis will help you lose weight and keep it off.

8. Increases the amount of energy in the body

Protein is a natural source of energy as well. When a diet that provides appropriate energy to the body is not consumed, as is the situation during fasting or weight loss programmes, the body will utilise its stored energy.

It also serves as a natural source of energy. Failure to consume a diet that would provide adequate energy to the body, as is the case during fasting or weight loss programs, would cause the body to use its own functional protein to compensate.

Since there is no extra protein in the body, enzymes and muscles break down protein in order to yield amino acids to provide energy or synthesize glucose. This would ensure a continuous supply of glucose to the cells.

9. Skin Rejuvenation

Protein adds strength to tissues that are constantly subjected to wear and strain, such as the skin. Collagen is a fibrous protein found in large amounts in the body that gives skin cells their strength.

Collagen levels in the body play a big role in the skin’s healthy and youthful appearance, as well as the absence of wrinkles.

  1. Recovery of Cells and Tissues

To keep a fully healthy body, cells and tissues must be renewed and recovered on a regular basis. A steady supply of amino acids is required for protein synthesis. This protein is responsible for the formation of new cells and tissues such as hair, skin, and nails.


It’s critical to maintain your protein intake and meet your daily requirements. Even if you’re a vegetarian, you may reap the nutritional benefits by eating the 7 high-protein foods listed above. You may learn how to boost your protein intake while keeping your fat intake low as a non-vegetarian here.Go visit our website

WRITTEN BY Afreena Masood ( in Nutrition and Health)

Client success story

I love sharing the success stories of my clients and I am so proud of all that they’ve accomplished! I have worked with so many AMAZING women and men throughout my years as a Coach and I have witnessed such hard work, resulting in HUGE transformations. I’m very proud of each and every one of my clients and I am honored to be able to work so closely with such motivated ladies. I hope you enjoy viewing the progress of such determined individuals, just as much as I do.

One of my clients, Rushabh, was enrolled with a weight of 125kg and ended up with 72kg. He challenged his body, changed his lifestyle, and achieved jaw-dropping results in a matter of weeks! Whether you struggle with your own weight loss or any other lifestyle-related health conditions, his story will inspire you to lead the healthiest life possible.